Student Loan Interest Deductions and other Student Loan Tax Tips
Recently graduated from college or attending college this year? Below are some tax tips for new graduates and future students. Knowing...

8 Things You Should Not Try to Deduct from Your Taxes
Being self-employed is a great opportunity to define income and your schedule on your own terms. Tax deductions also draw many to the...

A Guide to Being Audited Without Receipts
The IRS questions around 6 million taxpayers annually either via audit or by a verification notice. Most people panic because their...

Tax Tips for an Independent Distributor within a Multi-level Marketing Company
This article was written at the request of a lot of customers who also moonlight as independent distributors. I am not associated with...

Ten Tax Thoughts for those Getting Married
StartFragment It’s wedding season and the last thing on the minds of couples is filing status and how it affects taxes. Here are ten tax...

Celebrating the New Year with a New Job?
Changing a Job for the New Year It’s a new year and for many of you all, it's also the time you all are looking to change jobs. With new...