Can the IRS Visit Your Home or Business?
It doesn't happen much, but they do make house and business calls when there is serious tax violation. If the IRS visits, it’s will be...

Can the IRS Take my Passport?
StartFragment Have you been willfully ignoring notices about your outstanding tax bill and overdue balance? The IRS can and will notify...

Can the IRS Seize my Property?
The IRS exercises the levy as the most common form of seizure. This is achieved through wages earned or money in the bank. According to...

Owe the IRS and can’t pay at once?
StartFragmentHere are some options for payment with each having its pros and cons. The most popular method is simple monthly installments...

Why Procrastination Never Wins During Tax Season
This blog post is dedicated to all of those who are part of the 25 percent of the tax filers who wait until the last 14 days before the...